Psychology Lesson : Self ?

S'up all... This post is based on my lesson in social psychology subject in University Malaya. The original title of the lesson is " The Self ". Let's get started. I bet that all of you already familiar with word "Self". We usually used it in some words like myself, self confidence, selfie, etc. But have you ever think about what is the meaning of Self? Is it the same with name? or is it something inside us? Before I explained it all, i want you to think about something. Please take a time to think about how has yourself changed since you were a child and how has it remained the same? compare yourself in the present to yourself in the past. After you think about it, lets start about the explanation. Self is the totality of our impressions, thoughts, and feelings, such that have conscious, continuous sense of being in this world. In other words, Self is all things that create us as an individual being in this world. There are 3 parts of the self :...